AST Special Services

Throughout the year, special services are planned and led by the Worship Committee.

Matriculation Service

Two Matriculation services are held during each school year. The first is held early on in the Summer term (normally mid-June to the end of July). The second is held early in September. The Matriculation service is one's formal welcome into the AST community. New students, staff and faculty members (and any existing members of the community not previously matriculated) will be invited to come forward, announce their names to the community, and sign the Matriculation book.


Each year, AST marks the beginning of the Advent season with a service of hope and preparation.


The beginning of the Winter term concides with the celebration of Epiphany. Recently this service has included a blessing of the residence building.

End of year Agape

The end of the Winter term and our year together as a community is celebrated with an agape (love) feast. Prayers, scripture, and worship are shared as we break bread together and reflect on the year of learning.