General Bursary Application


  • Download the latest (free) version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, if you don't already have it. To do so, visit the Adobe website and click the “Download Acrobat Reader” Follow the directions that appear on your screen to complete the process.
  • Once you have installed Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, find the General Bursary Application Form (see below) and click on the link to open the file.
  • Download the file to your computer and save it in a spot where you can easily find it again. (Downloading methods differ, depending on your browser).
  • After you have downloaded and saved the file, close it. Close your browser.
  • Open Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. From within this program, open your application file. (On a PC, you should see a menu that includes File/Edit/View/Sign/Window/Help in the top left corner. Click on File and choose Open from the popup menu. Find your file and open it).
  • Required text/number fields will be outlined in red, as are radio buttons. Hover over the field for further information. Use a combination of the tab key and your mouse to navigate through the form.
  • If you are not able to complete the form in one sitting, you can save the file to your computer. When you are ready to continue, simply open the file again in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.
  • Please complete all fields. If a particular field does not apply to you, enter N/A (for Not Applicable) or “0” (for a number field). Incomplete fields will prevent your form from being submitted.
  • We recommend that you save a copy of your completed form before you submit. Once you have completed all fields and reviewed your application, click on the Submit Form button. If you have missed required fields, you will get an error message and will not be able to submit. Go back and complete all required fields, then try again.
  • Please include any supplementary attachments with your application (i.e., further details on your financial situation, or the letter, CV and photo that are required to apply for the St. Lazarus Ecumenical Bursary).
  • If you have any questions, please send them via email to:


  • The next round of bursary applications will open in late summer for the Fall/Winter terms.